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Karaoke Night


​We love people. We love crowds. We love good deals. 

At The American Way, we are dedicated to provide you with the best dining experience possible.

Its that simple.


Every thursday from 8pm

We know singing is essential to life. So we've made it possible for you to sing to your heart's content and enjoy the best food at the same time. Its that simple. 


Weekdays between 5-7pm

How can a restaurant be a restaurant without Happy Hour?? The thought is just too daunting. Drink to your heart's content. Its that simple. 

Happy Hour


From 11am-3pm we serve your favorite Sunday roast

Its Sunday. You want to have a nice, long deserved catch up session with your buddies over a drink or two, or perhaps a light meal. Enough said. Its that simple. 

Sunday Brunch


Saturdays between 1-3am

All of you party animals. This is the time for you to get off that dance floor and drink to your heart's content. Guys who have been eyeing that girl for a while, time to treat her a drink.

Its that simple. 


Weekdays from 5-7pm​

Disclaimer: © 2012 Wang's Good Food & Catering and The American Way is part of a school project and hence, all materials is fictitious and is in no way to be taken as the truth.


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